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Text File  |  1991-04-21  |  43KB  |  1,076 lines

  1.  ⌠
  3. Glossary of synonyms for the Readability program.
  5. Parts of the glossary may be omitted by enclosing the relevant
  6. sections between "fish-hooks" as shown here.  Use capitals for
  7. key words. If a word is terminated with a space, a search will be
  8. made for words having the same initial letter as that word. The
  9. optional text with comments following the word may consist of up
  10. to 40 characters.
  12. Installation of glossary:
  14. If DOS 3.0 or later is used, the glossary should preferably be
  15. entered in the same directory as the program itself, or on the
  16. directory which is current when the program is started. The file
  17. should be called SYNLIST.RDB.
  19. For DOS versions prior to 3.0 the glossary should be in the
  20. directory which is current when the program is started. The file
  21. should be called SYNLIST.RDB.
  23. An optional glossary can be selected with a parameter on command
  24. line or command file, example:
  26.         L=C:\RIX\OWNSYN.RDB
  28. After the fish-hook you can enter your list of synonyms.
  31. A  Registered copy of R+ is a must!
  32. ACCEDE# (adhere to agreement)/EXCEED (surpass)
  33. ACCEPT# receive/EXCEPT (exclude)?
  34. ACCOMPLISHED# done 
  35. ACCORDINGLY# so, then 
  36. ACETIC#(acid in vinegar)/ASCETIC (strict)?
  37. ACTUALLY# in fact
  38. AD# (advertisement)/ADD (math function)?
  39. ADAPT# (adjust)/ADEPT (capable)?
  40. ADD# (math function)/AD (advertisement)?
  41. ADDITION# something added/EDITION (book volume)?
  42. ADDITIONALLY# too, also  
  43. ADEPT# (proficient)/ADAPT (adjust)?
  44. ADHERENCE# (attachment)/ADHERENTS (followers)?
  45. ADHERENTS# (followers)/ADHERENCE (attachment)?
  46. ADULTERATION# potentially libelous word
  47. ADULTERY# potentially libelous word
  48. ADVERSE# (opposed)/AVERSE (disinclined)
  49. AERIE# (nest)/AIRY (exposed to the air)?
  50. AFFECT# affect (influence)/EFFECT (accomplish)?              
  51. AFOREMENTIONED# mentioned before                             
  52. AFORESAID# previous
  53. AGGRAVATE# make worse/IRRITATE-bother 
  54. AID# (v.help)/AIDE (n.assistant)?
  55. AIDE# (n.assistant)/AID (v.help)?
  56. AIN'T# are not                             
  57. AIRY# (exposed to the air)/AERIE (nest)
  58. AISLE# (passageway)/I'll (I will)?
  59. ALBEIT# although, since
  60. ALL-ROUND# around
  61. ALL-RIGHT# all right (alright is incorrect)                               
  62. ALL-AROUND# around
  63. ALLOCATE# distribute    
  64. ALLOW# permit?    
  65. ALLUDE# (hint)/ELUDE(escape)/REFER(direct ref.) 
  66. ALLUSION# (indir. refer)/ILLUSION(vision error)                    
  67. ALOT# A LOT (many)/ALLOT (distribute)?
  68. ALMOST# (nearly)/MOST (used in comparison)
  69. ALREADY# (completed action)/ALL READY (set up)
  70. ALRIGHT# (incorrect -- use ALL RIGHT)
  71. ALTAR# (table of worship)/ALTER (change)?
  72. ALTER# (change)/ALTAR (table of worship)?
  73. ALTERATION# change    
  74. ALTERNATELY# v. or n. ALTERNATIVE?           
  75. ALTERNATIVE# choice, option 
  76. ALTOGETHER# (entirely)/ALL TOGETHER (in a body)
  77. ALUMINIUM# (Brit.) use ALUMINUM
  78. AMATEUR# (as in hobby)/NOVICE (beginner)
  79. AMAZINGLY# remarkable, wonderful
  80. AMBIVALENT# doubtful, uncertain
  81. AMELIORATE# make better, improve  
  82. AMENITY# courtesy
  83. AMONG# (more than two)/BETWEEN (only two)?
  84. AMORAL# (w/o morals)/IMMORAL(wicked)/UNMORAL?
  85. AMOUNT# (sum)/NUMBER(counted)/QUANTITY(measured)?
  86. ANALYZATION# examination
  87. ANECDOTE# (story)/ANTIDOTE (remedy)?
  88. ANNUM# year
  89. ANTAGONIST# opponent/PROTAGONIST(main character)?
  90. ANTECEDENTS# personal history                      
  91. ANTICIPATE# expect                                 
  92. ANTIDOTE# (remedy)/ANECDOTE (story)?
  93. ANXIOUS# (worried)/EAGER (pleased)?
  94. ANYPLACE# anywhere (?)                             
  95. ANYWHERES# incorrect--use ANYWHERE
  96. APARTMENT# (Am.) British - flat
  97. APPRAISE# or APPRIZE(to value)/APPRISE(inform)?
  98. APPRISE# (inform)/APPRAISE or APPRIZE (to value)?
  99. APPRIZE# seldom used, same as APPRAISE
  100. APPROPRIATE# proper, set aside
  101. APPROXIMATELY# about                               
  102. APT# suitable/LIKELY-possible/LIABLE-could                                      
  103. ASCENT# (act of climbing)/ASSENT (consent)?
  104. ASCERTAIN# find out, learn, make sure  
  105. ASCETIC# (strict)/ACETIC (acid in vinegar)?
  106. ASPECT# angle, viewpoint
  107. ASSAY# (estimate)/ESSAY (v.attempt, try)
  108. ASSENT# (consent)/ASCENT (act of climbing)
  109. ASSURE# (affirm)/ENSURE (make certain)?
  110. ATHESIST# potentially libelous word
  111. ATTORNEY# See definition;lawyer is NOT synonymous                       
  112. AUGMENT# increase                                             
  113. AUTHORESS# (unnecessary gender specification)                       
  114. AVERSE# (reluctant)/ADVERSE (opposed)?
  115. AVOCATION# (hobby)/VOCATION (profession,calling)?                   
  116. B  Be legal; register R+!
  117. BAIL# (security measure)/BALE (package)?
  118. BALANCE# (accounting use)/REMAINDER-left over
  119. BALE# (package)/BAIL (security measure)?
  120. BALL# (toy or dance)/BAWL (reprimand)?
  121. BANKRUPT# potentially libelous word
  122. BARD# (ministral)/BARRED (block)?
  123. BARE# (uncover)/BEAR (animal)?
  124. BARRED# (block)/BARD (ministral)?
  125. BASICALLY# primarily
  126. BASIS# (evidence)/BASES (fixed point)?
  127. BATHROOM# (Am.)/British-toilet, loo, WC
  128. BAWL# (reprimand)/BALL (toy or dance)?
  129. BEAR# (animal)/BARE (uncover)?
  130. BEAU# (boyfriend)/BOW (weapon, bend at waist)
  131. BECAUSE# not the same as SINCE-See dict.
  132. BEING# inappropriate after regard
  133. BELABORED# exhaust
  134. BENEFICIAL# helpful  
  135. BENEFIT# help                                      
  136. BERTH# (bed)/BIRTH (being born)?
  137. BESIDE# (next to)/BESIDES (in addition to)?
  138. BESIDES# (in addition to)/BESIDE (next to)?
  139. BETWEEN# (refers to two)/AMONG (more than two)?
  140. BI-WEEKLY# (every 2 weeks)/SEMI-WEEKLY (2x weekly)              
  141. BIANNUAL# (twice/year)/BIENNIAL (every 2 years)?           
  142. BIENNIAL# (every 2 years)/BIANNUAL (twice/year)?
  143. BIGAMIST# potentially libelous word           
  144. BILLED# (send invoices)/BUIILD(construct)?
  145. BIRTH# (being born)/BERTH (bed)
  146. BISCUIT# (Br.) American - cracker
  147. BLACKGUARD# potentially libelous word
  148. BLACKLISTED# potentially libelous word
  149. BLACKMAIL# potentially libelous word
  150. BLOCKHEAD# potentially libelous word
  151. BLEW# (to blow)/BLUE (color)?
  152. BLUE# (color)/BLEW (to blow)?
  153. BOAR# (animal)/BORE (to weary;to dig)?
  154. BOLD# (daring)/BOWLED (game)?
  155. BOLDER# (more daring)/BOULDER (rock)?
  156. BOOZE-HOUND# potentially libelous word
  157. BORE# (to weary;to dig)/BOAR (animal)?
  158. BORN# (bring forth)/BORNE (carry)?
  159. BORNE# (carry)/BORN (bring forth)?
  160. BOROUGH# (incorp. town)/BURROW (to dig)?
  161. BOUILLON# (broth)/BULLION (uncoined metal)?
  162. BOULDER# (rock)/BOLDER (more daring)?
  163. BOW# (weapon,bend at waist)/BEAU (boyfriend)?
  164. BOWLED# (game)/BOLD (daring)?
  165. BOYFRIEND# friend 
  166. BRACES# (Br.) American - suspenders
  167. BRAKE# (stopping device)/BREAK (fracture)?
  168. BREAD# (food)/BRED (raised animals)
  169. BREAK# (fracture)/BRAKE (stopping device)?
  170. BREATH# (n.respiration)/BREATHE(vb.in/exhale)
  171. BREATHE# (v.in/exhale)/BREATH(n.respiration)?
  172. BRED# (reared, as in animals)/BREAD(food)
  173. BRIBE potentially libelous word
  174. BRIDAL# (wedding)/BRIDLE (horse headgear)?
  175. BRIDLE# (horse headgear)/BRIDAL (wedding)?
  176. BRING# (convey toward)/TAKE(carry from)
  177. BROTHEL potentially libelous word
  178. BUILD# (construct)/BILLED (send invoices)?
  179. BUILLION# (uncoined metal)/BOULLION (broth)?
  180. BURROW# (to dig)/BOROUGH (incorp. town)?
  181. BUS# (vehicle)/BUSS (kiss)?
  182. BUSS# (kiss)/BUS (vehicle)?
  183. BUT# (unless)/BUTT (interfere,keister)?
  184. BUTCHER# meat cutter                               
  185. BUTT# (interfere, keister)/BUT (unless)?
  186. BUY# (purchase)/BY(beside)/BYE(good-bye)?
  187. BY# (beside)/BYE(good-bye)/BUY(purchase)?
  188. BYE# (good-bye)/BUY(purchase)/BY(beside)?
  189. C Can't you afford the $25 to register R+?
  190. CACHE# (conceal)/CASH (money)?
  191. CALCULATED# likely?
  192. CALENDER# (a machine)/CALENDAR (record of time)                                
  193. CALLOUS# (unfeeling)/CALLUS (hardened skin)?
  194. CALLUS# (hardened skin)/CALLOUS (unfeeling)?
  195. CAN# means able, don't substitute for may
  196. CAN'T# (can not)/CANT (tilted position)?
  197. CANDIDATE# aspirant?                               
  198. CANDY (Am.) British - sweets
  199. CANNON# (weapon)/CANON (law or clergyman)?
  200. CANON# (law or clergyman)/CANNON (weapon)?
  201. CANT# (tilted position)/CAN'T (can not)?
  202. CANTER# (gallop)/CANTOR (singing leader)?
  203. CANTOR# (singing leader)/CANTER (gallop)?
  204. CANVAS# (cloth)/CANVASS (solicit)?
  205. CANVASS# (solicit)/CANVAS (cloth)?
  206. CAPACITY# ability                                  
  207. CAPITAL# $invested,gov't seat/CAPITOL(bldg)?
  208. CAPITOL# (legislature bldg)/CAPITAL ($invested)?
  209. CARAT# measure of wt/KARAT-fineness of gold)?
  210. CARIES# (dental decay)/CARRIES (transport)?
  211. CARRIES#(transport)/CARIES (dental decay)?
  212. CASH# (money)/CACHE (conceal)?
  213. CASKET# coffin?
  214. CASUAL# chance happening/CAUSAL-caused                                    
  215. CASUALTIES# losses?
  216. CAUSAL# caused/CASUAL-chance happening                                
  217. CEASE# halt or stop
  218. CEDE# (yield)/SEED (sperm or fruit)?
  219. CEMENT# cement or concrete?                        
  220. CENSOR# critic/CENSER-burner/CENSURE-condem?
  221. CENT# (hundredth)/SENT (transmitted)?
  222. CENTER# (Am.spelling)/CENTRE (Brit.)
  223. CENTRE# (Brit. spelling)/CENTER (Am.)
  224. CENTS# (hundredths)/SCENTS (fragrance)?
  225. CEREAL# (edible grain)/SERIAL (installments)?
  226. CESSION# surrender/SESSION-meeting
  227. CHAIRS# (lead committee)/SHARES (portion)?
  228. CHARACTER# qualities/REPUTATION-others think
  229. CHARISMATIC# charming or attractive
  230. CHASED# (pursued)/CHASTE (pure)?
  231. CHASTE# (pure)/CHASED (pursued)?
  232. CHEAP# (low price)/CHEEP (chirp)?
  233. CHEAT potentially libelous word
  234. CHEEP# (chirp)/CHEAP (low price)?
  235. CHEMIST'S# (Br.) American - drugstore
  236. CHEQUE# (British spelling)
  237. CHEWS# (bites)/CHOOSE (select)?
  238. CHILDISH# childish or childlike?                   
  239. CHILDLIKE# childlike or childish?                  
  240. CHILI# (pepper)/CHILLY (cold)?
  241. CHILLY# (cold)/CHILI (pepper)?
  242. CHINAMAN# racist - use Chinese                                  
  243. CHOOSE# (select)/CHEWS (bites)?
  244. CHORD# music/CORED-remove center/CORD-rope?
  245. CHUTE# (a slope)/SHOOT (fire weapon)?
  246. CITE# quote/SITE(location)/SIGHT (view)?
  247. CITIZEN# civilian?                                 
  248. CLAIM# say, assert                                 
  249. CLAUSE# (part of a document)/CLAWS (nails)?
  250. CLAWS# (nails)/CLAUSE (part of a document)?
  251. CLIENT# services/CUSTOMER-commodities
  252. CLIMACTIC# climatic or climactic?                  
  253. CLIMATIC3 climatic or climactic?
  254. CLOSE# shut/CLOTHES-apparel/CLOTHS-fabric                   
  255. COAL# (fuel)/COLE (cabbage)?
  256. COARSE# (rough)/COURSE (direction/meal)?
  257. COFFEEPOT# coffee maker                            
  258. COLE# (cabbage)/COAL (fuel)?
  259. COLLEAGUE# Prof. assoc./PARTNER-business
  260. COLLU potentially libelous word
  261. COLLISION# (crash)/COLLUSION (conspiracy)?
  262. COLLUSION# (conspiracy)/COLLISION (crash)?
  263. COLONEL# (military rank)/KERNEL (seed)?
  264. COLORED# racist-Black, mixed-race in So.Africa
  265. COLOUR# (Brit.) use color
  266. COMMENCE# begin/COMMENTS-remarks?                                   
  267. COMMUNICATE# talk or write
  268. COMMUNIST potentially libelous word
  269. COMPARE# (to liken)/CONTRAST (differ)?
  270. COMPLEMENTS# (completes)/COMPLIMENT (praise)?
  271. COMPLIMENTS# (praise)/COMPLEMENTS (completes)?
  272. COMPRISE# make up
  273. COMPUTERPHOB  -E(n.)/-IC(adj.)Need Dvorak's PC Crash Course
  274. CONCLUDE# decide?                                  
  275. CONCRETE# concrete/cement?                      
  276. CONFIDANT# (friend)/CONFIDENT (assured)?
  277. CONFIDENT# (having assurance)/CONFIDANT (friend)?
  278. CONNEXION# (British spelling)
  279. CONSCIOUS# aware?                                  
  280. CONSENT# assent?                                   
  281. CONSEQUENTLY# following
  282. CONSOLIDATE# unite, join 
  283. CONTINGENT# conditional
  284. CONTINUAL# (repeated often)/CONTINUOUS (unbroken)?
  285. CONTINUOUS# (unbroken)/CONTINUAL (repeated often)?
  286. CONTRAST# (differ)/COMPARE (to liken)
  287. COPE# used with "with"
  288. COPY (-right) Have you registered R+???
  289. COPYRIGHT# (ownership)/COPYWRITER (ad writer)?
  290. COPYWRITE# (ad writer)/COPYRIGHT (ownership)?
  291. CO-RESPONDENT potentially libelous word
  292. CORED# (remove center)/CHORD-music/CORD-rope
  293. CORPORATE# VOICE  A Great Product!  Tell others!
  294. CORPS# (army division)/CORPSE (dead body)?
  295. CORPSE# (dead body)/CORPS (army division)?
  296. CORRESPOND# match, agree                           
  297. CORRUPT potentially libelous word
  298. COUNCIL# (group)/COUNSEL (advice)?
  299. COUNSEL# (advice)/COUNCIL (group)?
  300. COURSE# (direction)/COARSE (rough)?
  301. COWARD (lacks courage-potentially libelous)?
  302. COWERED# (huddle up)/COWARD (lacks courage)?
  303. CRACKER# (Am.) British - biscuit
  304. CREAK# (grating sound)/CREEK (sm. river)?
  305. CREATED# caused?                                   
  306. CREDIBLE# acceptable/CREDITABLE-praiseworthy?                   
  307. CREDULOUS# believable on uncertain evidence                  
  308. CREEK# (sm. river)/CREAK (grating sound)?
  309. CRIME  What you are committing if you haven't registered R+
  310. CRITERIA# (criterion is singular)                  
  311. CRITICALLY# seriously
  312. CROOK potentially libelous word                              
  313. CUPBOARD# (Br.) 
  314. CURIOUS# odd, singular                            
  315. CUSTOMARY# by common usage/HABITUAL-by habit
  316. D Don't forget to register R+!                                 
  317. DANE# (Denmark native)/DEIGN (condescend)?
  318. DATA# plural of DATUM
  319. DAYS# (24 hour periods)/DAZE (to bewilder)?
  320. DAZE# (bewilder)/DAYS (24 hour periods)
  321. DEADBEAT potentially libelous word
  322. DEADHEAD potentially libelous word
  323. DECEASE# death/DISEASE-illness                                       
  324. DECIDEDLY# very                                    
  325. DECLARED# said                                     
  326. DEEM# consider
  327. DEFAULT potentially libelous word
  328. DEFINITELY# definitively?                          
  329. DEIGN# (condescend)/DANE (Denmark native)?
  330. DEITY# Supreme being
  331. DELIGHTED# pleased
  332. DEMISE# death                                      
  333. DEMONSTRATION# show
  334. DEMOTE# reduce                                     
  335. DEPRECATE# (put down)/DEPRECIATE-wear away     
  336. DESCENDANT# (offspring)/DESCENDENT (coming down)?
  337. DESCENDENT# (coming down)/DESCENDANT (offspring)?
  338. DESCENT# (going down)/DISSENT (disagree)?
  339. DESERT# (sandy region)/DESSERT(last course)?
  340. DESIGNATE# name, select                            
  341. DESSERT# (last course)/DESERT(sandy region)?
  342. DETERMINE# decide                                  
  343. DEVICE# (machine)/DEVISE (plan)?
  344. DEVISE# (plan)/DEVICE (machine)?
  345. DEW# (condensed moisture)/DO (execute)?
  346. DIAGNOSIS# (identify)/PROGNOSIS (progress)
  347. DIALOGUE# talk or conversation
  348. DIFFICULT# hard                                    
  349. DILAPIDATED# ruined                                
  350. DINNER# (main meal)/SUPPER-evening/DINER-place
  351. DIPLOMATIST# (British spelling)
  352. DISCREDIT# (disgrace)/DISPARAGE (belittle)?
  353. DISCREET# (cautious)/DISCRETE (separate)?
  354. DISCRETE# (separate)/DISCREET (cautious)?
  355. DISCUS# (disk)/DISCUSS (exchange ideas)?
  356. DISCUSS# (exchange ideas)/DISCUS (disk)?
  357. DISINTEREST lacking self-interest/uninterested           
  358. DISPARAGE# (belittle)/DISCREDIT (disgrace)?
  359. DISQUALIFY render unfit/UNQUALIFY-not fit
  360. DISSENT# (disagree)/DESCENT (going down)?
  361. DISTINCTLY# distinctively?                         
  362. DIVORCE potentially libelous word                             
  363. DO# (execute)/DEW (condensed moisture)?
  364. DOE# (female deer)/DOUGH (flour mix for baking)?
  365. DONATE# give                                       
  366. DONE# (finished)/DUN (demand money owed)?
  367. DOUBLE-CROSS potentially libelous word
  368. DOUGH# (flour mix-baking)/DOE (female deer
  369. DEPRECIATE# wear-away/DEPRECATE?
  370. DRUNK potentially libelous word
  371. DUN# (demand money owed)/DONE (finished)?
  372. DYEING# (coloring)/DYING (ceasing to live)?
  373. DYING# (ceasing to live)/DYEING (coloring)?
  374. E Each copy of R+ must be registered!
  375. EAGER# eager or anxious?
  376. ECHELON# level 
  377. EDITION# (book volume)/ADDITION (increase)?
  378. EFFECT# n.result/AFFECT-v.influence?                          
  379. ELEMENTARY# simple, basic
  380. ELEMENTS# parts/ingredients
  381. ELICIT# (evoke)/ILLICIT-(unlawful)?
  382. ELUDE# (escape)/ALLUDE (hint)?
  383. EMBARK board/DEBARK-get off
  384. EMERGE# (become visible)/IMMERGE (plunge into)?
  385. EMIGRATE# (to leave)/IMMIGRATE (to enter)?            
  386. EMINENT# outstanding/IMMINENT-soon to happen?                      
  387. EMPLOYE# or employee
  388. EMPTY# internally void/VACANT-externally void                                   
  389. ENDEAVOR# attempt, try
  390. ENDORSE# approve?                                  
  391. ENORMITY# to express "monstrous wickedness"
  392. ENQUIRE# (Brit.)/INQUIRE-(Am. spelling)
  393. ENSURE# guarantee/INSURE-as in policy/ASSURE                          
  394. ENTHUSE# slang word
  395. ENVELOP# (Vb.surround)/ENVELOPE-N.wrapper?
  396. ENVELOPE# (wrapper)/ENVELOP (surround)?
  397. EVIRONMENT Should be a major concern!
  398. EQUIVALENT# equal                                  
  399. ERR # inaccurate/MISTAKE-misunderstand
  400. ESSENTIAL# necessary                               
  401. EVERYPLACE# (do you mean everywhere?)              
  402. EVINCE# show
  403. EX-CON potentially libelous word
  404. EX-HUSBAND# former husband                         
  405. EXCEED# (surpass)/ACCEDE (give in)
  406. EXCEEDINGLY# very greatly/EXCESSIVELY-too greatly
  407. EXCEPT# leave out/ACCEPT-receive
  408. EXCEPTIONABLE# (open to obj.)/EXCEPTIONAL (very good)?
  409. EXCEPTIONAL# (very good)/EXCEPTIONABLE (open to obj.)?
  410. EXCITE# stir up emotions/INCITE-stir up action
  411. EXECUTIVE# administrator                                  
  412. EXHIBIT# show
  413. EXPECT# likely to happen/SUSPECT-doubt truth
  414. EXPECTORATE# spit                                  
  415. EXTANT# still existing/EXTENT-measure?
  416. EXTENT# measure/EXTANT-still existing?
  417. F Forget to register R+? Call 800-487-7727 now!
  418. FABRICATE# make, build                             
  419. FACILITATE# help, make easy                        
  420. FACILITY# (vague - specify the structure)
  421. FACIST potentially libelous word
  422. FACTOR# reason or part (hackneyed word)
  423. FAINT# (weak) or FEINT (pretended blow)?
  424. FAMILIAR# well known
  425. FAMOUS# celebrated/NOTED-eminent/NOTORIOUS-unfvrble                   
  426. FARO# (card game)/PHARAOH (king)?
  427. FARTHER# do you mean FURTHER-See dict.?                       
  428. FATE# (destiny)/FETE (festival)?
  429. FAWNING potentially libelous word
  430. FEATURE# (hackneyed word)
  431. FEEDBACK# answer/reply
  432. FEINT# (pretended blow)/FAINT (weak)?
  433. FEMININE# female                                   
  434. FETE# (festival)/FATE (destiny)?
  435. FEW# ref. to number/LESS-ref. to quantity
  436. FINALIZE# conclude
  437. FIR# (tree)/FUR (animal hide)?
  438. FIRSTLY# (and then secondly)/PRIMARILY may be better         
  439. FLAIR#  (skill)/FLARE (outburst)?
  440. FLAMMABLE# inflammable (syn.) is preferred
  441. FLARE# (outburst)/FLAIR (skill)?
  442. FLAT# (Br.) apartment
  443. FLAUNT# do you mean FLOUT-see dict.?                           
  444. FLEA# (insect)/FLEE (run away)?
  445. FLEE# (run away)/FLEA (insect)?
  446. FLOE# (floating ice)/FLOW (move gently)?
  447. FLOUT# do you mean FLAUNT-see dict.                
  448. FLOW# (move gently)/FLOE (floating ice)?
  449. FOLK# collective noun - no "s" at the end
  450. FOOL potentially libelous word
  451. FOREBEARS# ancestors                               
  452. FORESEEABLE# expected or expect
  453. FOREWORD# (intro)/FORWARD (direction)?
  454. FORMALLY# ceremoniously/FORMERLY-previously?                    
  455. FORMERLY# previously/FORMALLY-ceremoniously       
  456. FORT# (army post)/FORTE (strong point)?
  457. FORTE# (strong point)/FORT (army post)?
  458. FORTH# (forward)/FOURTH (number)?
  459. FORTUITOUS# don't use for fortunate/lucky
  460. FORWARD# (direction)/FOREWORD (intro)?
  461. FOUL# (rule infraction)/FOWL (bird)?
  462. FOURTH# (number)/FORTH (forward)?
  463. FOWL# (bird)/FOUL (rule infraction)?
  464. FRAUD potentially libelous word
  465. FREEDOM# Something we take for granted!
  466. FREQUENTLY# often                                  
  467. FRIAR# (monk)/FRYER (poultry)?
  468. FRISBEE# use WHAMO brand Frisbee Flying Disc
  469. FRYER# (poultry)/FRIAR (monk)?
  470. FUNNIES# comics                                    
  471. FUR# (animal hide)/FIR (tree)?
  472. FURTHER# do you mean FARTHER? See dict.                      
  473. FURTHERMORE# also, too                             
  474. G Good Grief! Won't you register R+?
  475. GAMBLE# (tak risk)/GAMBOL (jump)?
  476. GAMBOL# (jump)/GAMBLE (take risk)?
  477. GANGSTER potentially libelous word
  478. GAOL# (Brit.) Gaul-France
  479. GAY# potentially libelous word
  480. GEL# (jelly-like)/JELL (crystalize)?
  481. GENERALLY# usually?                                
  482. GENES# (characteristics)/JEANS (SL. pants)?
  483. GENT# Gentleman                                   
  484. GENTS# Gentlemen                                   
  485. GIRLFRIEND# friend                                 
  486. GLAD# happy or pleased
  487. GORED# (pierce)/GOURD (fruit)?
  488. GORILLA# (ape)/GUERRILLA (warrior)?
  489. GOURD# (fruit)/GORED (pierced)?
  490. GRAFT potentially libelous word
  491. GRATE# (irritate)/GREAT (extraordinary)?
  492. GRATUITOUS# Unwarranted                            
  493. GRAVEYARD# cemetery                                
  494. GREAT# (extraordinary)/GRATE (irritate)?
  495. GREY# (British spelling)
  496. GROOM# bridegroom                                  
  497. GROVEL potentially libelous word
  498. GUARANTEE# Vb.secure/GUARANTY-N.security
  499. GUARANTY# N.security/GUARANTEE-Vb.secure?
  500. GUBERNATORIAL# associated with the governor                       
  501. GUERRILLA# (Sp.) warrior/GORILLA-ape
  502. H Have you registered R+ yet? Do it now!
  503. HANGED# (person)/HUNG (object)?
  504. HEAL# (cure)/HEEL (part of foot)?
  505. HEALTHFUL# health giving/HEALTHY-good health?                   
  506. HEALTHY# good heath/WHOLESOME-produce good
  507. HEAR# (listen)/HERE (in this place)?
  508. HEARD# (listened)/HERD (animal group)?
  509. HEBREW# Jew                                        
  510. HEEL# (part of foot)/HEAL (cure)?
  511. HERD# (animal group)/HEARD (listened)?
  512. HERE# (in this place)/HEAR (listen)?
  513. HEREAFTER# henceforth                              
  514. HEREIN# contained
  515. HEROIN# (drug)/HEROINE (female hero)?
  516. HEROINE# (female hero)/HEROIN (drug)?
  517. HERTZ# (radio waves)/HURTS (painful)?
  518. HI# (hello)/HIGH (lofty)?
  519. HIGH# (lofty)/HI (hello)?
  520. HISTORIC# do you mean HISTORICAL-See dict.         
  521. HOARD# (accumulate & hide)/HORDE (crowd)?
  522. HOES# (weeds)/HOSE (flexible tube)?
  523. HOLE# (space)/WHOLE (intact)?
  524. HOLIDAY# (Br.) - vacation
  525. HONOUR# (British spelling)
  526. HOPEFULLY# (over used-try: I hope/With hope             
  527. HORDE# (crowd)/HOARD (accumulate & hide)?
  528. HOSE# (flexible tube)/HOES (weeds)?
  529. HOWEVER# but, though
  530. HUMBUG potentially libelous word
  531. HUMOR# A necessity of life
  532. HUNG# (object)/HANGED (person)?
  533. HUNGER# Should be a major concern!
  534. HURTS# (painful)/HERTZ (radio waves)?
  535. HYPERCRITICAL# (too critical)/HYPOCRITICAL(insincere?
  536. HYPOCRITE potential libelous word
  537. HYPOCRITICAL# (insincere)/HYPERCRITICAL(too critical?
  538. I It's illegal to use R+ and not register it!
  539. I'LL# (I will)/AISLE (passageway)?
  540. ILLEGIBLE#  do you mean UNREADABLE-See dict.
  541. ILLEGITIMATE potentially libelous word
  542. ILLICIT# (unlawful)/ELICIT (evoke)?
  543. ILLICIT potentially libelous word
  544. ILLITERACY# A major problem in the world
  545. ILLITERATE Someone not as fortunate as you
  546. ILLUSION# image/ALLUSION-refer to            
  547. IMAGE# picture
  548. IMMERGE# (disappear)/EMERGE (appear)?
  549. IMMIGRATE# (enter)/EMIGRATE (leave)?           
  550. IMMINENT# about to happen/EMINENT-important           
  551. IMMORAL potentially libelous word
  552. IMPLEMENT# N.tool/Vb.effect               
  553. IMPLY# (hint)/INFER (draw conclusion)?                      
  554. IMPORTANTLY# (avoid by rephrasing)
  555. IMPRACTICABLE# do you mean IMPRACTICAL-See dict.
  556. IMPRACTICAL# do you mean IMPRACTICABLE?         
  557. IN# (contained)/INN (hotel)?
  558. INAUGURATE# induct into an office
  559. INCOMPETENT potentially libelous word                  
  560. INCORPORATE# to combine                            
  561. INCREDIBLE# remarkable
  562. INCUMBENT# currently in office                            
  563. INDIVIDUAL# person?                                
  564. INFER# (draw conclusion)/IMPLY (hint)?                     
  565. INFIDEL potentially libelous word
  566. INFLAMMABLE# nonflammable                          
  567. INFORMER potentially libelous word
  568. INGENIOUS# (clever)/INGENUOUS (naive)?
  569. INGENUOUS# (naive)/INGENIOUS (clever)?
  570. INN# (hotel)/IN (contained)?
  571. INNOVATION# change
  572. IN# (-ORDER TO) the word TO will suffice
  573. INPUT# information or facts
  574. INSIGHTFUL#(use perceptive)
  575. INSIGNIFICANT# small                               
  576. INSOLUBLE# cannot be disolved
  577. INTEMPERATE potential libelous word
  578. INTENSE# (strong emotion)/INTENTS (intentions)?
  579. INTENTS# (intentions)/INTENSE (strong emotion)?
  580. INTERFACE# unite or link
  581. INTIMATE# potentially libelous word
  582. INTOLERAN potentially libelous word
  583. INVADE# (intrude)/INVEIGH (verbal attack)?
  584. INVEIGH# (verbal attack)/INVADE (intrude)?
  585. IRREGARDLESS# regardless          
  586. IRRITATE#  to annoy/AGGRAVATE-confuse?                       
  587. IT'S# (it is)/ITS (belonging to)?
  588. ITS# (belonging to)/IT'S (it is)?
  589. J Just in case you forgot, register R+ now!
  590. JACKIES# sailors                                   
  591. JEANS# (pants)/GENES (characteristics)?
  592. JELL# (crystalize)/GEL (jelly-like)?
  593. JEWELLERY# (British spelling)
  594. JEWELS# (gems)/JOULES (energy units)?
  595. JOULES# (energy units)/JEWELS (gems)?
  596. JUVENILE# child                            
  597. K  K.O. your writing problems - register R+!       
  598. KARAT# (fineness of gold)/CARAT (measure of wt.)?
  599. KERB# (British spelling)
  600. KERNEL# (seed)/COLONEL (military rank)?
  601. KLEENEX# trade name-use Kleenex brand facial tissues
  602. KNAVE# (deceitful person)/NAVE (part of a church)?
  603. KNEAD# (massage)/KNEED (hit with knee)?
  604. KNEED# (hit with knee)/KNEAD (massage)?
  605. KNEW# (knowledge)/NEW (original)?
  606. KNOWLEDGEABLE# informed
  607. L Look to see if you've registered R+!
  608. LABOUR# (British spelling)
  609. LAMA# (Buddhist monk)/LLAMA (animal)?
  610. LAPS# (complete circuit)/LAPSE (error)?
  611. LAPSE# (error)/LAPS (complete circuit)?
  612. LAW What you are breaking if you haven't registered R+
  613. LAY# do you mean LIE? 
  614. LEAK# (accidental crack)/LEEK (vegetable)?
  615. LEAN# (incline)/LIEN (legal claim)?
  616. LEAVE# (do you mean LET?)
  617. LEEK# (vegetable)/LEAK (accidental crack)?
  618. LENDS# (loans)/LENS (curved glass)?
  619. LENGTHWAYS# lengthwise                             
  620. LENIEN (-T) adj./(-CY) n. merciful, not harsh                      
  621. LENS# (curved glass)/LENDS (loans)?
  622. LESS# not the same as FEWER
  623. LESSEE# (renter)/LESSOR (landlord)?
  624. LESSEN# (decrease)/LESSON (study task)?
  625. LESSON (study task)/LESSEN (decrease)?
  626. LESSOR# (landlord)/LESSEE (renter)?
  627. LIABLE#  do you mean LIBEL-See. dict.                          
  628. LIAR potentially libelous word
  629. LIAR# (person who lies)/LYRE (harp)?
  630. LIBEL# do you mean LIABLE? See dict.
  631. LICHEN# (moss)/LIKEN (compare)?
  632. LIEN (legal claim)/LEAN (incline)?
  633. LIEU# in place of
  634. LIKEN compare to/LICHEN (moss)?
  635. LIMITED# restricted, confined                      
  636. LINKS# (connected loops)/LYNX (wild cat)?
  637. LITERALLY# exactly
  638. LLAMA# (animal)/LAMA (Buddhist monk)?
  639. LOAD# (burden)/LODE (ore deposit)?
  640. LOAN# (something borrowed)/LONE (solitary)?
  641. LODE# (ore deposit)/LOAD (burden)?
  642. LONE# (solitary)/LOAN (something borrowed)?
  643. LOOSE# (not firmly fastened)/LOSE (mislay)?
  644. LORRY# (Br.) - truck
  645. LOSE# (mislay)/LOOSE (not firmly fastened)?
  646. LUXURIANT# (rich)/LUXURIOUS (comfortable)?
  647. LUXURIOUS# (comfortable)/LUXURIANT (rich)? 
  648. LYNX# (wild cat)/LINKS (connected loops)
  649. LYRE# (harp)/LIAR (person who lies)?
  650. M  Make your copy of R+ legal - Register NOW!
  651. MAC# A nice guy, President of SPCS, Inc.
  652. MAIL# (delivered by P.O.)/MALE (man/boy)?
  653. MAIZE# (corn)/MAZE (labyrinth)?
  654. MALE# (man/boy)/MAIL (delivered by P.O.)?
  655. MALL# (group of stores)/MAUL (lacerate)?
  656. MALTREAT# mistreat?                                
  657. MANPOWER# human energy                             
  658. MANSION# large house                               
  659. MARITAL# (marriage)/MARTIAL (warlike)?
  660. MARTIAL# (warlike)/MARITAL (marriage)?
  661. MASCULINE# male
  662. MAUL# (lacerate)/MALL (group of stores)?
  663. MAXIMIZE# increase  
  664. MAZE# (labyrinth)/MAIZE (corn)?
  665. MEANINGFUL# significant (cliche)                                 
  666. MEANTIME# do you mean MEANWHILE? See dict.                  
  667. MEANWHILE# do you mean MEANTIME? See dict.        
  668. MEDAL# (award)/MEDDLE (intrude)?
  669. MEDDLE# (intrude)/MEDAL (award)?
  670. MEET# (encounter)/METE (apportion)?
  671. MENTAL potentially libelous word
  672. METAL# (chemical element)/METTLE (spirit; courage)?
  673. METE# (apportion)/MEET (encounter)?
  674. METTLE# (spirit)/METAL (chemical element)?
  675. MIDDIE# diminutive -- use MIDSHIPMAN
  676. MIDDLE-AGE# midlife                                
  677. MIEN# (manner)/MEAN (nasty)?
  678. MINER# (one who digs ore)/MINOR (under age)?
  679. MINUSCULE# small 
  680. MINOR# (under age)/MINER (one who digs ore)?
  681. MISSED# (fail to connect)/MIST (vapor)?
  682. MIST# (vapor)/MISSED (fail to connect)?
  683. MISTREAT# maltreat?                                
  684. MODE# method
  685. MODIFICATION# change 
  686. MOMENTO# incorrect, use MEMENTO
  687. MONARCH# hereditary ruler                          
  688. MOOSE# (animal)/MOUSSE (N.Gelatin)
  689. MORAL# (right/wrong)/MORALE (mental state)?
  690. MORALE# (mental state)/MORAL (right/wrong)?
  691. MORN# (morning)/MOURN (grieve)?
  692. MOST# don't use for ALMOST
  693. MOURN# (grieve)/MORN (morning)?
  694. MOUSSE# (N.Gelatin)/MOOSE (animal)?
  695. N Not guilty? Only if you've registered R+!
  696. NAPPY# (Br.) - diaper
  697. NAUGHT# (worthless)/NOT (no)?
  698. NAUSEATED# sick to the stomach/QUEASY
  699. NAUSEOUS# sickening to contemplate
  700. NAVE# (church part)/KNAVE (deceitful person)?
  701. NAY# (opposed)/NEIGH (horse sound)?
  702. NAZI potentially libelous word
  703. NECESSARIES# means                                 
  704. NECESSARY# needed                                  
  705. NECESSITIES# necessaries                           
  706. NEIGH# (horse sound)/NAY (opposed)?
  707. NEW# (original)/KNEW (knowledge)?
  708. NICE# vague word-try to be specific
  709. NOBEL# (prizes)/NOBLE (splendid; aristocrat)?
  710. NOBLE# (splendid; aristocrat)/NOBEL (prizes)?
  711. NOISOME# do you mean NOISY? See dict.               
  712. NOISY# do you mean NOISOME?
  713. NOR# use with neither/be positive,try EITHER,OR
  714. NOT# (no)/NAUGHT (worthless)?
  715. NOTABLE# (worthy)/NOTORIOUS (ill-regarded)?
  716. NOTORIOUS# (ill-regarded)/NOTABLE (worthy)?
  717. NOVICE# (beginner)/AMATEUR (non-professional)?
  718. NUMBER# (symbol)/AMOUNT (sum total)?
  719. NUMEROUS# many, some 
  720. O Oh come on! R+ registration is only $25!
  721. OAR# (paddle)/ORE (raw metal)?
  722. OBJECTIVE# aim, goal
  723. OBSERVING# noting, seeing  
  724. OBVIOUS# plain, clear
  725. OCULIST# (treats eyes)/not OPTOMETRIST
  726. OFFPUTTING# use upset
  727. OMNISCIENT# all-knowing  
  728. ONGOING# present (inexact/clumsy word)
  729. OPTICIAN# (glasses)/OPTOMETRIST (measures vision)?
  730. OPTIMIST The CORRECT frame of mind!
  731. OPTOMETRIST# (measures vision)/OPTICIAN (glasses)?
  732. ORDINANCE# (law)/ORDNANCE (military supplies)?
  733. ORDNANCE# (military supplies)/ORDINANCE (law)?
  734. ORE# (raw metal)/OAR (paddle)?
  736. ORIENT# introduce
  737. ORIENTATE# introduce
  738. ORIGINAL# first
  739. OTHERS# Those we don't think about but should
  740. OVERDO# (do too much)/OVERDUE (past due)?
  741. OVERDUE# (past due)/OVERDO (do too much)?
  742. P Please register your copy of R+ today!
  743. PAIL# (bucket)/PALE (lose color)?
  744. PAIN# (hurt)/PANE (of glass)?
  745. PAIR# (two)/PAR (average)?
  746. PALE# (lose color)/PAIL (bucket)?
  747. PANE# (of glass)/PAIN (hurt)?
  748. PAR# (average)/PAIR (two)?
  749. PARAMOUNT# highest,primary/TANTAMOUNT-equivalent
  750. PARAMOUR potentially libelous word
  751. PARE# (peel)/PEAR (fruit)?
  752. PARLAY# (exploit successfully)/PARLEY (confer)?
  753. PARLEY# (confer)/PARLAY (exploit successfully)?
  754. PARTIALLY# in some degree/PARTLY-in part
  755. PARTITION# divide/PETITION-request          
  756. PARTLY# in part/PARTIALLY-in some degree
  757. PARTY# group of persons/PERSON-individual
  758. PEACE# (harmony)/PIECE (part of)?
  759. PEAK# (mountain top)/PEEK (glance)?
  760. PEAL# (bell sound)/PEEL (cut away)?
  761. PEAR# (fruit)/PARE (peel)?
  762. PECULIAR# odd   
  763. PEDLAR# (British spelling)
  764. PEEK# (glance)/PEAK (mountain top)?
  765. PEEL# (cut away)/PEAL (bell sound)?
  766. PENCE# (Br. pennies)/PENS (writing tool)?
  767. PENDANT# (necklace)/PENDENT (pending)?
  768. PENDENT# (pending)/PENDANT (necklace)?
  769. PENS# (writing tool)/PENCE (Br. pennies)?
  770. PERJURER potentially libelous word
  771. PERPETRATE# commit                                   
  772. PERSECUTE# oppress/PROSECUTE-to sue      
  773. PERSONAL# (private)/PERSONNEL (staff)?
  774. PERSONALIZE# (a pretentious word)
  775. PERSONALLY# (unnecessary word)
  776. PERSONNEL# (staff)/PERSONAL (intimate)?
  777. PESSIMIST# The WRONG frame of mind!
  778. PETITION# a request/PARTITION-to divide
  779. PETROL# (Br.) - gas or gasoline
  780. PHARAOH# (king)/FARO (card game)?
  781. PI# (math symbol=3.127)/PIE (baked dish)?
  782. PIE# (baked dish)/PI (math symbol=3.127)?
  783. PIECE# (part of)/PEACE (harmony)?
  784. PLAGIARIST# potentially libelous word
  785. PLAIN# (simple)/PLANE (woodworking tool)?
  786. PLAINTIFF# (party to lawsuit)/PLAINTIVE (sad)?
  787. PLAINTIVE# (sad)/PLAINTIFF (party to lawsuit)?
  788. PLANE# (woodworking tool)/PLAIN (simple)?
  789. PLEAS# (appeal)/PLEASE (oblige)?
  790. PLEASE# (oblige)/PLEASE (appeal)?
  791. PLUM# (fruit)/PLUMB (exactly vertical)?
  792. PLUMB# (exactly vertical)/PLUM (fruit)?
  793. POETESS# (needless gender specific word)                         
  794. POPULACE# (crowd)/POPULOUS (crowded)?
  795. POPULOUS# (crowded)/POPULACE (crowd)?
  796. PORE# (study carefully)/POUR (discharge)?
  797. POSSESS# have                                      
  798. POUR# (discharge)/PORE (study carefully)?
  799. PRACTICABLE# can be done/PRACTICAL-sensible
  800. PRATICAL # sensible/PRACTICABLE-can be done                           
  801. PRAY# (address God)/PREY (victim)?
  802. PRECEDE# (go before)/PROCEED (to begin)?
  803. PREDICATE# found, base                             
  804. PRESENTLY# soon
  805. PRESS# If they didn't tell us, who would?
  806. PRESTIGIOUS# pompous word
  807. PREVENTATIVE# preventive                           
  808. PREY# (victim)/PRAY (address God)?
  809. PRIDE# (conceit)/PRIED (use leverage)?
  810. PRIED# (use leverage)/PRIDE (conceit)?
  811. PRIMARY# first, main, major                        
  812. PRINCIPAL# primary, chief/PRINCIPLE-basic law
  813. PRINCIPLE# basic law/PRINCIPAL-primary, chief
  814. PRIOR# previous
  815. PRIORITIZE# Yuck! Gobbledygook!
  816. PROCEED # begin/PRECEDE-go before?
  817. PROCURE# acquire
  818. PRODUCE# make                                      
  819. PRODUCING# making                                  
  820. PROFITEER potentially libelous word
  821. PROGRAMME# (Brit.) use PROGRAM
  822. PROPENSITY# tendency
  823. PROPOSAL# accepted or rejected/PROPOSITION assertion
  824. PROPOSITION# assertion/PROPOSAL accepted or rejected
  825. PROSECUTE# to sue/PERSECUTE-oppress   
  826. PROTAGONIST# (main character)/ANTAGONIST (opponent)?
  827. PROVERBIAL# familiar                               
  828. PROVIDED# given                                    
  829. PYJAMAS# (Brit.) use PAJAMAS
  830. Q Quit being a tightwad and register R+!
  831. QUEUE (Br.)#  - line
  832. QUOTATION# (words quoted)/QUOTE (cite)?
  833. QUOTE# (cite)/QUOTATION (words quoted)?
  834. R Reduce your guilt!  Register R+!
  835. RACKET# (noise)/RACQUET (stringed paddle)?
  836. RACQUET# (stringed paddle)/RACKET (noise)?
  837. RAISE# (lift up)/RAZE (level)?
  838. RAP# (knock/talk)/RAPT (total attention)?
  839. RAPT# (total attention)/RAP (knock/talk)?
  840. RASCAL potentially libelous word
  841. RAZE# (level)/RAISE (lift up)?
  842. RE-COLLECT# (collect again)/RECOLLECT (remember)?
  843. READ# There are many who can't-think about it!
  844. READABILITY# primary writer's concern-use CV 
  845. REALISE# (British spelling)-use REALIZE
  846. RECENT# (new)/RESENT (strongly dislike)?
  847. RECOGNISE# (Brit.)-use RECOGNIZE
  848. RECOLLECT# (remember)/RE-COLLECT (collect again)?             
  849. REEK# (smell strongly)/WREAK (destroy)?
  850. REGRETFULLY# do you mean REGRETTABLY-See dict.
  851. REGRETTABLY# do you mean REGRETFULLY?-See dict.
  852. REIGN# (rule)/REIN (used to guide a horse)?
  853. REIN# (used to guide a horse)/REIGN (rule)?
  854. RELEVANT# appropriate
  855. REMIT# send                                       
  856. REMITS# sends                                     
  857. REPUDIATE# deny                                    
  858. REQUIREMENT# need  
  859. REQUISITE# necessary                               
  860. RESENT# (strongly dislike)/RECENT (new)?
  861. RESIDE# live                                      
  862. RESIDENCE# house                                   
  863. RESIDES# lives
  864. RESPECTFULLY courteously                                    
  865. RESPECTIVE# in the order given
  866. RESPECTIVELY# each in the order given
  867. RETAINING# keeping, holding  
  868. REVERENCE# revere
  869. RHYTHM# Flow, style, structure
  870. RODE# (ride a horse)/ROWED (paddle a boat)?
  871. ROGUE# potentially libelous word
  872. ROLE# part in a play/ROLL-revolve, bun, list
  873. ROLL# revolve, list, bun/ROLE (part in a play)?
  874. ROOT# (plant part)/ROUTE (specific roads)?
  875. ROTE# (routine)/WROTE (written-past tense)?
  876. ROUTE# (specific roads)/ROOT (plant part)?
  877. ROWED# (paddle a boat)/RODE (ride a horse)?
  878. RUINATION destruction                             
  879. RYE# (grain)/WRY (disdainful)?
  880. S Shareware depends on YOU - Register R+ Now!
  881. SAIL# (wind-powered boat)/SALE (discount)?
  882. SALE# (discount)/SAIL (wind-powered boat)?
  883. SCAM potentially libelous word
  884. SCANDALMONGER potentially libelous word
  885. SCENE# (situation)/SEEN (looked)?
  886. SCENTS# (fragrance)/CENTS (hundredths)?
  887. SCOUNDREL potentially libelous word
  888. SCULL# (racing rowboat)/SKULL (head bone)?
  889. SCULPTOR# (statue maker)/SCULPTURE (statues)?
  890. SCULPTURE# (statues)/SCULPTOR (statue maker)?
  891. SEASONABLE# timely/SEASONAL-periodical
  892. SEASONAL# periodical/SEASONABLE-timely
  893. SECOND-HANDED# second-hand                         
  894. SECONDLY# use second
  895. SECTS# (groups)/SEX (gender)?
  896. SECURE# get, obtain, procure                      
  897. SEDUCER potentially libelous word
  898. SEED# (sperm or fruit)/CEDE (yield)?
  899. SEEN# (looked)/SCENE (situation)?
  900. SELF-CONFESSED# confessed                          
  901. SENSATION# emotion                                
  902. SENT# (transmitted)/CENT (hundredth)?
  903. SERF# (feudal servant)/SURF (waves)?
  904. SERGE# (cloth)/SURGE (sudden increase)?
  905. SERIAL# (installments)/CEREAL (grain)?
  906. SETTLE# pay?                                      
  907. SETTLES# pay?                                     
  908. SEW# (needle & thread)/SOW (plant)?
  909. SEX# (gender)/SECTS (groups)?
  910. SHARES# (portion)/CHAIRS (leads committee)?
  911. SHEAR# (cut)/SHEER (see-through cloth)?
  912. SHEER# (see-through cloth)/SHEAR (cut)?
  913. SHOOT# (fire weapon)/CHUTE (a slope)?
  914. SHYSTER potentially libelous word
  915. SIGHT# (see)/CITE (quote)/SITE (location)?
  916. SIGN# (ad or signature)/SINE (math formula)?
  917. SINCE# indicates time-not the same as BECAUSE
  918. SINE# (math formula)/SIGN (ad or signature)?
  919. SITE# (location)/SIGHT (see)/CITE (quote)?
  920. SKULL# (head bone)/SCULL (racing rowboat)?
  921. SKUNK# potentially libelous word
  922. SLACKER potentially libelous word
  923. SLEIGHT# (trick)/SLIGHT (trivial)?
  924. SLIGHT# (trivial)/SLEIGHT (trick)?
  925. SMOOTH# potentially libelous word
  926. SNEAK# potentially libelous word
  927. SNEAKERS# running shoes                            
  928. SO# avoid use as an intensifier (e.g. So big)
  929. SOAR# (fly)/SORE (hurt)?
  930. SOFTWARE Call (800) 4-US-SPCS for great products!
  931. SOLD# (purchase)/SOLED (fix shoe bottom)?
  932. SOLED# (fix shoe bottom)/SOLD (purchase)?
  933. SOME# (unspecified number)/SUM (total)?
  934. SOOT# (unburned ash)/SUIT (clothes)?
  935. SORE# (hurt)/SOAR (fly)?
  936. SOW# (plant)/SEW (needle & thread)?
  937. SPECIE# coined money/SPECIES-sort,variety
  938. SPECIES# sort,variety/SPECIE-coined money
  939. STABLE# established,barn/STAPLE-commodity
  940. STAPLE# commodity/STABLE-established,barn
  941. STAID# sedate/STAYED-remained,postponed
  942. STAKE# (wood)/STEAK (slice of beef)?
  943. STANDPOINT# point of view                          
  944. STATIONARY# (not moving)/STATIONERY (paper)?
  945. STATIONERY# (paper)/STATIONARY (not moving)?
  946. STAYED #remained,postponed/STAID-sedate
  947. STEAK# (slice of beef)/STAKE (wood)?
  948. STEAL# (take)/STEEL (metal)?
  949. STEEL# (metal)/STEAL (take)?
  950. STEP# (stairway)/STEPPE (frozen plain)?
  951. STEPPE# (frozen plain)/STEP (stairway)?
  952. STEWARDESS# flight attendant
  953. STOOLIE potentially libelous word
  954. STYLE# Rhythm, flow/mode of dress/usage
  955. STYROFOAM# Trade name/use PLASTIC FOAM
  956. SUBSEQUENT# next?, later? or after?
  957. SUBSTANTIATE# prove
  958. SUICIDE potentially libelous word
  959. SUIT# clothes/SOOT-unburned ash/SUITE-apartment
  960. SUITE# (apartment)/SWEET (candy)?
  961. SUM# (total)/SOME (unspecified number)?
  962. SUNDAE# (ice cream)/SUNDAY (weekday)?
  963. SUNDAY# (weekday)/SUNDAE (ice cream)?
  964. SUPPER# (evening meal)/DINNER (main meal)?
  965. SURF# (waves on beach/SERF (feudal servant)?
  966. SURGE# (sudden increase)/SERGE (cloth)?
  967. SUSPENDERS# (Am.) British - braces
  968. SWEET# (candy)/SUITE (apartment)
  969. SWEETS# (Br.) American - candy
  970. SWINDLE potentially libelous word
  971. SWITCHBOARD# console
  972. T  Think about why you like R+ and register!
  973. TACK# (horse gear)/TACT (diplomacy)?
  974. TACT# (diplomacy)/TACK (horse gear)?
  975. TANTAMOUNT# equivalent/PARAMOUNT-highest,primary
  976. TAP# (Br.) - faucet
  977. TEAM# (working group)/TEEM (abundance)?
  978. TEAR# (cry)/TIER (layers)?
  979. TECHNICALITIES# details
  980. TEEM# (abundance)/TEAM (working group)?
  981. TEMERITY# gall or nerve
  982. TEMPORAL# limited life/TEMPORARY-time limited
  983. TEMPORARY# time limited/TEMPORAL-limited life
  984. TERMINATION# end, conclusion    
  985. THAI# (Thailand native)/TIE (clothing)?
  986. THEATRE# (British spelling)
  987. THEIR# (possessive)/THEY'RE (they are)?
  988. THEREFORE# so  
  989. THEY'RE# (they are)/THEIR (possessive)?
  990. THIRDLY# use third
  991. THREW# (throw)/THROUGH (in/out)?
  992. THRILLING# (exciting)                        
  993. THROUGH# (in/out)/THREW (throw)?
  994. THRU# use THROUGH
  995. THRUST# point or force
  996. THUSLY# consequently
  997. THYME# (herb)/TIME (interval)?
  998. TIC# (gesture)/TICK (bug/clock sound)?
  999. TICK# (bug/clock sound)/TIC (gesture)?
  1000. TIE# (Clothing)/Thai (Thailand native)?
  1001. TIER# (layers)/TEAR (cry)?
  1002. TIME# (interval)/THYME (herb)?
  1003. TO# is better than IN ORDER TO
  1004. TOO# (also)/TWO (number)?
  1005. TRACKED# (followed)/TRACT (leaflet/land)?
  1006. TRACT# (leaflet/land)/TRACKED (followed)?
  1007. TRANSACTION# action                                
  1008. TRANSCRIPTION# written copy  
  1009. TRANSPIRE# occur                                   
  1010. TREATIES# (agreement)/TREATISE (essay)?
  1011. TREATISE# (essay)/TREATIES (agreement)?
  1012. TRICKY# potentially libelous word
  1013. TRUSSED# (tied)/TRUST (confidence)?
  1014. TRUST# (confidence)/TRUSSED (tied)?
  1015. TWO# (number)/TOO (also)?
  1016. TYPICALLY# usually
  1017. U Unless you register R+, no support!
  1018. UBIQUITOUS# popular
  1019. UNDER-HANDED# under-hand                           
  1020. UNETHICAL# potentially libelous word
  1021. UNPRECEDENTED# never before
  1022. UNPROFESSIONAL potentially libelous word
  1023. UNQUESTIONABLE# indisbutable/not UNQUESTIONED
  1024. UNQUESTIONED# not questioned/not UNQUESTIONABLE
  1025. UNREADABLE# do you mean ILLEGIBLE? See dict.
  1026. UNSOUND# potentially libelous word
  1027. UTILIZE# use USE
  1028. V VERY IMPORTANT! REGISTER R+ NOW!              
  1029. VAIN# (conceited)/VEIN (blood vessel)?
  1030. VALE# (valley)/VEIL (bride's hat)?
  1031. VARY# (alter)/VERY (absolute)?
  1032. VEIL# (bride's hat)/VALE (valley)?
  1033. VEIN# (blood vessel)/VAIN (conceited)?
  1034. VERBAL# oral                                      
  1035. VERY# (absolute)/VARY (alter)?
  1036. VIABLE# possible
  1037. VICE# (sin)vice den (libelous?)/VISE (tool)?
  1038. VILLAIN potentially libelous word
  1039. VIRAL# (virus)/VIRILE (manly)?
  1040. VIRILE# (manly)/VIRAL (virus)?
  1041. VIRTUALLY# almost
  1042. VISE# (tool)/VICE (sin)?
  1043. VISITATION# appointment
  1044. VOCATION# (profession)/AVOCATION (hobby)?
  1045. VOICE style, tone, rhythm
  1047. WAIVE# (give up rights)/WAVE (surf)?
  1048. WAIVER# give up rights/WAVER hesitate
  1049. WANT# (desire)/WONT (habit)?
  1050. WARN# (give alarm)/WORN (wear)?
  1051. WAVE# (surf)/WAIVE (give up rights)?
  1052. WAVER# hesitate/WAIVER give up rights
  1053. WEAK# (feeble)/WEEK (seven days)?
  1054. WEEK# (seven days)/WEAK (feeble)?
  1055. WHINE# (complain)/WINE (beverage)?
  1056. WHO'S# (who is)/WHOSE (personal possessive)
  1057. WHOLE# (intact)/HOLE (space)?
  1058. WHOSE# (personal possessive)/WHO'S (who is)?
  1059. WINE# (beverage)/WHINE (complain)?
  1060. WITNESS# see?                                     
  1061. WONT# (habit)/WANT (desire)?
  1062. WORN# (wear)/WARN (give alarm)?
  1063. WORST# (terrible)/WURST (sausage)?
  1064. WROTE# (past tense of written)/ROTE (routine)?
  1065. WRY# (disdainful)/RYE (grain)?
  1066. WURST# (sausage)/WORST (terrible)?
  1067. X It's only $XXV to register R+ - Do it now!
  1068. XMAS# derogatory, use Christmas
  1069. XEROX trade name, use Xerox brand photocopiers
  1070. Y Your illegal use of R+ hurts everyone!
  1071. YOU'RE# (you are)/YOUR (belonging to you)?
  1072. YOUR# (belonging to you)/YOU'RE (you are)?
  1073. Z  Zero support if R+ isn't registered!
  1074. ZEBRA Proof positive God has a sense of humor